A Writer's Best Friend: My Secret Pseudonym
I’ve been holding onto a secret for quite some time. A secret only a few knew. Once upon a time, when I worked for Total Sorority Move, I published over 1,500 pieces of content under my name, Rachel Varina (that’s not a secret, that’s just a not-so-humble brag). Some of them were moving, some thought-provoking, some of them were snarky, and some of them were just fun. Sure, I would talk about sex, but knowing that my parents, grandparents, and future employers were reading my work, I couldn’t completely write what I wanted for fear of being ostracized.
Hence, a writer’s best friend: The Secret Pseudonym. Mine? Psh, I’m not linking the name here, because hello? What the point of the story if you jump ahead?
Anyway, the anonymous writer gave me the chance to write freakily and freely without the fear of judgement. She wrote about acts so blush-inducing I don’t even want to type them here. Some of them were from personal experience, some of them were from stories told by friends, some of them, even, were figments of my imagination, put into words for titillating laughs. If I release them, I’ll let you guess which ones are which.
The thing is, those pieces were published around 2015, over 4 years ago. And as a real ass adult with a real ass life, I think the statute of limitations are up for me being ashamed about writing what’s fun to me. Sorry mom and dad (but also, please don’t read any of this). So, after a lot of thought, consideration, and alcohol, it’s decided: I’m going to start writing everything moving forward from my name, as me.
Which means, I have a whole pile of erotic works that are circling around the world under a fake name. So, what do you think? Re-release the raunch and see what happens or let the past go and move forward with new work, new stories, and new experiences?